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AtomicMind Newsletter for Grades 9-11: May 2024


AtomicMind Staff

May 15, 2024

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Find Summer Opportunities with Discover+

With summer right around the corner, now is the perfect time to ensure that your child is set up for an unforgettable
season filled with growth and learning! It’s not too late to enrich their summer activities and build their resume.
Every opportunity on our Discover+ platform is crafted to enhance your child's resume, while expanding their
worldview and equipping them for future challenges. Motivating your child to seize these opportunities can greatly
impact their personal and academic growth. From science and technology to arts and literature, these opportunities
are tailored to cater to your child’s interest and age.

Our top picks for grades 9-11 are:

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History David McCullough Essay Prize

Journal of Student Research - High School Edition (JSR)

Leadership in Earth and Environmental Sciences (LEES) Program

Is Your Rising Senior Ready for College Application Season?

College application season starts the summer between junior and senior year. This time calls for careful preparation, strategic planning, and informed decision-making. The path to securing a spot at a dream college is both challenging and competitive, but with the right approach, your child can stand out from the rest and AtomicMind is here to help!

A curated list of colleges provides a clear roadmap for your child's application efforts, ensuring attention is only given to those institutions that match your child’s educational and career goals.

Crafting the Perfect College List: Steps for Success

1. Research: Research what each college offers for both academics and extracurriculars. Consider factors such as location,
campus culture, available majors, and opportunities for research or internships.

2. Visit Campuses: If possible, visiting campuses can provide invaluable insights into the day-to-day life and atmosphere of a college. Virtual tours are also a beneficial alternative.

3. Consult With Alumni and Current Students: An excellent way to gain insight into a school is to speak with those who have
previously attended and are current students.

4. Consider Financial Aspects: Understanding the financial commitment required is crucial. Look into scholarship
opportunities, financial aid, and the return on investment each college offers.

5. Seek Professional Guidance: AtomicMind can provide personalized assistance tailored to your child's needs, from
selecting the right colleges to crafting compelling applications.

A Testament to Excellence: Celebrating a 99% Success Rate

99% of AtomicMind's Class of 2028 achieved what many only dare to dream of – securing a spot in at least one of
their top three preferred schools. This staggering success rate isn't just a number, but it's a powerful testament to the
rigorous, personalized coaching and mentorship provided by our team at AtomicMind, designed to unlock each
student's full potential.

The AtomicMind Advantage

As we celebrate the success of our Class of 2028, we look forward to what the future holds. Education is ever-evolving,
and AtomicMind remains at the forefront, ready to meet these changes with solutions and strategies that prepare our
students for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Contact us for help from our team of K-12 education and admissions experts and discover how we can help shape the future of your child. Together, we can turn potential into achievement and aspirations into reality. AtomicMind provides comprehensive insights and tips to help you and your child prepare for their educational journey.

Extracurricular Activities
College Applications

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