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AtomicMind 9th Graders: November Highlights


AtomicMind Staff

November 15, 2024


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As we approach the holiday season, it's an ideal time for 9th graders to reflect on their first semester in high school and plan ahead for future success.

Our team at AtomicMind has helped put together a list of advice to help your student end the semester on a high note.

Finish Your First Semester of High School Strong

  1. Stay Organized: Make a list of all remaining assignments and projects, and organize them by deadline and importance. Create a schedule to complete each assignment on time. If students have any outstanding assignments, they should coordinate with their teacher to ensure the work is completed and receives maximum credit.
  2. Plan for Exams: May students can expect midterm or final exams to be scheduled prior to holiday breaks. Crafting a regular study schedule can help students build mastery and confidence in the exam material.
  3. Prioritize Weaker Areas: After reviewing your student's current course grades, they may want to dedicate more time and energy to the classes they aren't performing as well in. The extra effort can be the difference between a B or a B+, or even an entire letter grade!
  4. Ask for Help:  If students are struggling with a concept, they can reach out to their teacher for clarification or extra help. For further support, our AtomicMind subject specialists are also ready to help your student!
  5. Seek Extra Credit Opportunities: As the end of the semester approaches, some teachers may offer extra credit assignments that could boost your grade.

Top Resume Builders of the Month: 

This November, we're excited to connect students with upcoming competitions that can chalen students' thinking and support their growing resume: 

  1. Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
  2. New York Times Tiny Memoir Contest
  3. Write the World Writing Contest

Our Discover+ portal is full of other high impact extracurricular opportunities for your student to explore.

As always, please reach out to the team at AtomicMind to learn more about how we can support your 9th grader.

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