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AtomicMind 12th Graders: August Highlights


AtomicMind Staff

August 16, 2024

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As summer comes to an end and the school year rapidly approaches, you may be wondering how to keep up with your rising Seniors list of college to-dos. At AtomicMind, we're here to help you keep up with the upcoming deadlines.

Preparing for College Admissions:

  • Finalizing Personal Statement: By the end of the month, students should finalize their Common Application Personal Statement and UC Personal Insight Questions.
  • Review and Write Supplemental Essays: As of August 1st, American universities have released their official supplemental questions on Common App and Coalition. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the supplemental questions and began writing their essays under the guidance of their Head Advisor and Writing Coach. In most cases, first priority should be given to student's ED and EA schools.
  • Work on Activities List: With the support of their Head Advisor, students should be compiling a detailed list of the activities for their Common Application.
  • Register for Final SAT/ACT Exams: If your student is still working on their score, we suggest that they register as soon as possible for one of the upcoming exam dates. SAT will offer exams on August 24th, October 5th, and November 2nd. ACT holds exams on September 14th and October 26th. For additional support, our team of SAT tutors is available to support your student to improve their score.

Keep up to date with our college application timeline here and see how we can get your child started TODAY!

Senior year is filled with a plethora of emotions and "to-dos". AtomicMind is here to guide your student through upcoming deadlines, writing prompts, and senior year courses.

Contact AtomicMind for specialized support.

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